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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dear Lisa and the Carpers came by to visit today. I promised them that the trip up to my room would be worth the view. The view of the outside of the elevator shaft--that is. Gorgeous, isn't it? If I hobble over to the far side of the room, I can look at parked cars. Very inspiring. They say that patients heal much faster if they can see something from nature outside their hospital room window --a tree, growing grass, flowering plants, etc. I am drawing my healing power from painted stucco. It must work on some level because I am feeling pretty good today. I am now on Percocet (no delaudid anymore) and am feeling like my mind, body, and spirit are in balance. Thank goodness. God is good.

And now for the best thing ever . . . my babies are back. Mom picked them up from the airport this afternoon and drove them straight to the hospital. My cell phone was ringing before they even got here. Annika was feeling a little stressed that she didn't feel prepared for school tomorrow--wondered what homework she should be doing--what outfit would be clean and nice for her first day back, etc. etc. Meanwhile, I hear Elise screaming in the background about every imaginable detail of their time in Michigan. I don't think it had even occurred to her that there was a school in Miami--let alone a school that SHE was going to have to be at tomorrow. Hilarious. Yes, my two little girls do march to the beat of different drummers. :)

After visiting with my sweet family, there are a few things that can be said with certainty . . .
1) My girls LOVE their cousins.
2) They wish they could live by their cousins.
3) They are excited for Christmas to come.
4) Seeing me in a hospital gown isn't as scary as it used to be.
5) They are ready and willing to help me recuperate from the surgery--such troopers.
6) My Douglas is very sad that he doesn't have a Dad anymore. You can tell that he literally feels sick in his heart.

It felt so good to see them again. The girls looked so much older to me--so grown up. And Doug just looked plain handsome. I loved being able to feel them again.

I hope that this Christmas season can be a time of both physical and emotional healing for us all.

Love to you all--


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