My Auntie Jan called yesterday around noon to say she was thinking of me. Although the actual anniversary was today, it would have been yesterday (on a Saturday) at about noon that the ambulance would have been called to our house. Strangely enough, Saturday was a beautiful day and Doug was itching to get out to do some yard work. Fine--as long as no ladders were involved.
My Mom called last night to say that she was feeling a little sad--just thinking back to last year and what we have each been through this year.
Doug won't admit it--but I can tell he is down. This has been a very waring year for him. Each of the small gains we have made in my healing have always been followed by some new bad news. I think the emotional roller coaster ride has been very long and hard.
Dad wanted to take us all out for Thai food tonight to mark the one year mark. He delivered a sweet toast at the meal--noting the changes in all of us as a result of my fall. Annika has become very responsible and organized. Elise has become a servant helper. Doug has been a nurturing husband--willing to take on tasks and responsibilities without complaint. Mom has become a great taxi driver. And me--well he said I had become a woman of great faith.
So, tonight I am just grateful to everyone who has helped us get through this year. We could not have done it without you.
My greatest prayer is that I will be walking--through whatever means necessary--by this time next year. That would be nice.
Love to you all--