I have news! I went to see Dr.
Carbonell today and found out that I am scheduled for surgery for next Friday (the 13
th). He is going to remove the metal plate that is still exposed on my bone, close up the wound with
dermagraft, and then . . . (
drumroll) . . . take off the external
Following the surgery, he will fit me with a boot and start me on physical therapy for three times a week. Also, even though the wound will be covered with skin, Dr. Carbonell would still like me to continue with the VAC therapy. That means that I will still need to carry around my little machine all the time and be seen by my home health care nurse twice a week.
In addition, by next Friday, I will have been on the antibiotics for eight weeks. So . . . it just might be that my infectious disease doctor will have me stop taking the IV antibiotics (the ones that are still causing me such wacky side-effects).
So many changes . . . can you stand it???
I had planned to host a chapel presentation at my school on March 17 (the Tuesday after my surgery) so I hope that I will still be up for it. I have been so anxious to go back to my sweet students and talk to them about this entire experience. I want to talk to them honestly about how difficult this process has been--but that it has been such a blessing, too. Even though they may be as young as five years of age, many of them are experiencing tragedies far worse than my little ankle problem. I want them to know that God has a plan for them--no matter how bad it may seem right now.
So many of you have written me such amazing things. I have heard from old friends from college and my childhood, Kindergarten students, people currently going through horrendous hardships, wonderful parents of my students, dear members of my church, my crazy brothers, and even people I have never met. Each of you have reacted to tiny things I have said in my blog by sending me jokes, ridiculous videos, words that let me know that you "get it," inspirational verses, offers for rides and meals, and medical advice given to you by doctors or friends. One of you even sent me a picture of a person's ankle after it had been mauled by a polar bear--sure proof that there is an ankle out there that is definitely worse than mine! :)
I love each of you so much and appreciate that God is using you to bring me through this time.
Thank you so much.