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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just when I said the pain wasn't coming from the bone, the pain started coming from the bone.  Oh, joy.  I had crazy pain last night every time I tried to flex my ankle.  When I went in to see Margarita today, she said that it was not the tendon--but the bone.  Scary to me.  So--she wants me to stop "walking" if I feel pain and to put my big Frankenstein boot back on.  

It is so hard for me to know what is good and what is bad.  They say . . . Yes--you need to put pressure on the bone or it will not heal.  No--you shouldn't put too much pressure on the bone or it will shatter.  I just want to follow my directions and get better.  The problem is that no one really knows exactly what directions to give.  It is just a waiting game of doing the best you can, and then hoping and praying for a positive result.

I was at school today trying to iron out a few details that have been causing Doug and I a bit of stress.  Just when I was feeling low, one of my students came around the corner and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of me.  Although he can be a student who sometimes needs a little help staying focused, he looked right at me, clapped his hands together and squealed, "Mrs. Heetderks!  Your boot is gone!  You are healing!  I can't believe my eyes!  I have been praying for you every night!  You look so much better!  Are you going to be our teacher again??  I can't believe you are healing!"  He literally bounced up and down with his hands clasped like I was a modern miracle in plain sight.  What a blessing.  What a blessing.  

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